COVID-19 Information
We want to assure you that we are aware of the impact the lockdowns and restrictions will have had on everyone. These impacts have disrupted many families and the loss of contact has been difficult for everyone.

Krinvest Care understand the measures we must currently adhere to can be difficult however we must continue to follow government and NHS guidance.

Across our services visiting guidance has been updated to reflect the changes for care homes in England, announced by HM Government from 17th May 2021. NHS England have also revised their visiting guidance for hospitals which is now reflected in the guidance.

Key changes include:

Care home residents may now have five named visitors
Hospital visiting guidance has been revised and now allows two indoor visitors
For agreed end of life care planned visits, the hospital visiting guidance now includes an expectation that LFT testing is undertaken at site before each visit

You can read in full the government’s summary of guidance for visitors in England, published 14th May 2021

Visiting Guidance NHS England Visiting Guidance & Specific Care Home Guidance for England

The wellbeing of our service users and staff remain our priority.

We appreciate your support and understanding as we continue to prioritise the safety of your loved one, families and staff.

Hospital Leave
Visiting on leave is part of the care pathway for most patients and access to leave, when approved is still available.

Virtual meetings via phone and video calls remain in place

Once again thank you for your patience and understanding

In the meantime, if you have any queries or concerns you can speak directly with the Registered Manager within the relevant service.

Further information can be found at the links below:
The Government have published the latest information on COVID 19:
Mencap have produced their latest guidance here in Easy Read:
SignHealth produce a two-minute daily update in British Sign Language about COVID 19 here:
